Door Saver CRM

Role: User Experience, Information Architect, User Interface Design, Developer



Building Customer Relationships

Door Saver is a CRM system (Customer Relationship Management) tool, which allows businesses to manage business relationships and the data and information associated between them and the customer. Users can create a profile and track their appointments, customer information, and contact information about anything either online or through the Door Saver application. I was responsible to and include my UX design process and build the application using Angular.

When I was asked to be a part of this project, I was very excited to have the opportunity to work with this company and team. I was asked to bring my UX expertise to bring this application to life. I started the project with a competitive analysis, creating user flows, and user scenarios. One of the challenges I faced was the fact this was a new application so it was hard to actually focus on the "user". I did extensive research & and gathered lots of data. We also set up different ideations of the application and did gorilla testing. We also viewed other competitors and while still keeping the amount of data clean, simple and easy to navigate on any device.

User Experience

A good design starts with understanding sketches & wireframes. I started the design with interviews by working in a group to get ideas. After collecting intelligent data I started creating early test models. Due to space restriction on mobile (connecting points/ways of interacting with something), it is highly important that users do not get lost in the endless taps - the reason why I intelligently planned the overall flow of their trip, right from the start. After dozens of iterations I reached something like this :

Door Saver Wireframe

Visual Design

After all the wireframes were designed, I moved onto styling the user interface of the CRM. It was imperative that the mobile version of the CRM looked the same as the desktop. I wanted to make sure to be consistent with the style guide and branding. I focused on designing a simple, clean, and beautiful interface.
App DesignApp Design

Responsive CRM Design

After completing the CRM design project, I wanted to make sure the application was responsive by making it more user friendly. As usual, I started the project by making mobile first wireframes. After all the screens were prototyped, I moved onto designing the CRM design. My goal was to keep the look and feel (colors, typography, and imagery) consistent across the application.
Responsive Web Design

Stay Tuned…

The new Door Saver CRM is currently under development. I’m very much excited to see its final outcome.
So wait and watch this space!