Role: Digital Design User Experience, Information Architect, Graphic Design

Taking Shape Design


My AT&T / Make Me Move

I worked with AT&T on their DDUX Team. AT&T made an acquisition with DirectTV, and some were forced to change. We conducted extensive research and created the ultimate responsive user experience for the visitors. A lot of the customers were uneasy about not being offered the same package and some were forced to change from Uverse to DirectTV. We wanted to make this transition as seamless as possible as well as cut down on phone calls to customer service. I worked closely with various teams in the process of shaping this user experience and design.

Wireframing and Prototyping

I always start my projects by sketching first; quick wireframe sketching allows to painlessly visualize changes and alternative solutions almost immediately. It also helps to receive feedback from the team. After the main features were worked out on paper, I made wireframes using Balsamiq. Later, moved on to designing the look and feel of the website by creating hi-fidelity prototypes with Axure. We worked on this website in demanding deadlines without compromising on its user experience.
Product Page
Checkout Screen
About Taking Shape