Podcast Video Intro

Role: Direction, Concept, Storyboard


As I mentioned earlier, The Inspire Agency decided to start a podcast series to tap into the digital media market. I was responsible for creating the promotional video. I was very excited, as this was my first attempt at making a video. At first, I decided it was in my best interest to do a lot of research, collaborate, and brainstorm with the branding team research. I then went back to the drawing board and came up with a solid concept/theme (Art. Fashion. & Music. at The Inspire Agency) and storyboard of the video.\.

Pre-production, Production and Post-production

After careful planning and preperation, I was able to bring my vision for the video into fruition. I used images that were taken from previous photo shoots; I also carefully selected audio to set a professional, yet lively tone. Using materials from the past helped with the budget constraints. After reviewing all of the content, post-production for this 1:02 video took me about 6 hours to complete.
Because the video increased the website's traffic and user's TOS (time on site) and decreased the bounce rate. It was an overall success!